6 Ways to Reduce your Website's Bounce Rate

6 Ways to Reduce your Website’s Bounce Rate

10 Feb 2016


Tiffany Palmer

Table of Contents

A bounce rate represents the percentage of single-page visitors to a website, according to Google Analytics. In other words, it shows the number of visitors who leave your website without visiting any other page other than the page that they landed on.

Unfortunately, high bounce rates are an indicator that your website visitors aren't looking for more content on your site. This may mean that you are not effectively targeting the right audience. In some cases, it could also indicate technical issues that are preventing users from accessing or viewing it correctly.

Whatever the case may be, maintaining a low bounce rate on your website is essential to the productivity of your business.

What is a good bounce rate?

The most important thing to be aware of is that you have to set realistic expectations for yourself. As every business domain has its own particular benchmarks, so will the bounce rate differ from one industry to another. Ultimately, you should be tracking bounce rates against your own historical performance and goals.

Here are the correspondent benchmark averages for website bounce rates:

  • Content website: 40-60%
  • Lead generation: 30-50%
  • Blogs: 70-98%
  • Retail sites: 20-40%
  • Service sites: 10-30%
  • Landing pages: 70-90%

If you want to lower the bounce rate for your website, you first need to understand why it is important and then identify the changes that you can make to reduce it as much as possible.

1.       Attract the right visitors

There are several ways you can go about achieving this.

  • Keywords are a very important part of this process. If you are looking to attract and engage a high number of visitors, you will have to choose the right keywords to match your content.
  • Create multiple landing pages that have unique content and keywords for every type of visitor that arrives on your page.
  • Maintain top rankings for your branded terms. Again, this is where keywords play an important role.
  • Write attractive, useful Meta Descriptions for search engine users. Once again, use the correct and relevant keywords to optimise.
  • Improve the targeting of your online advertising campaigns by choosing a relevant audience: location, age, marital status, income, interests, etc.

2.       Enhance website usability

Make it easier for your visitors to enjoy and understand the message your website is sending, by using proper text and organisation techniques which include: larger fonts, bulleted lists, white space, good colour contrast and large headlines.

You can also use well-organised and responsive layouts if you want your visitors to be able to quickly and easily navigate your website from all screens and browsers.

Get a personalised responsive website that is fully customised to your brand.

3.       Reduce the website’s load time

Did you know that 73% of mobile internet users say that they have encountered a website that was loading too slowly? From a more technical point of view, a 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. As an example, if an e-commerce site is making $100,000 per day, a 1-second page delay could potentially cost you $2.5 million in lost sales every year!

Needless to say, website visitors tend to care more about speed than any additional features your website may have. An easy way you can achieve this is by simply compressing and resizing your images in order to decrease the speed. Or, you can make sure to get rid of any plugins you no longer use.’

Discover how you can reduce the website load time by contacting one of the EB Pearls specialists today.

4.       A mobile-friendly website

A recent Google survey of mobile users found that approximately 74% say they are more likely to revisit mobile-friendly sites, with 67% saying mobile-friendly sites make them more likely to buy a product or use a service. There are plenty of customers who visit websites using mobile devices, so this is another great opportunity to attract new buyers.

Don't have a mobile-friendly website or a mobile app for your business? The benefits are immediate, so let’s discuss how you can boost your online presence.

5.       Provide Quality Content

The information you provide to your visitors needs to have an obvious central message. There are several ways to achieve that:

  • Use clear headings and subheadings
  • Tailor content to specific types of visitors (target audience)
  • Use catchy, modern copy and images
  • Make your content error-free
  • Include a clear call-to-actions and add links to indicate the next steps your visitors should take

6.       Consider your Ad placement

Do as much as you can to avoid the standard ad units on your webpage, mainly because of two reasons:

Ad blindness: Banner blindness, or ad blindness as it is commonly referred to, is when visitors consciously or subconsciously ignore the banner information displayed on your page.

Penalty matters: Google has also started to penalise pages that have too many ad units above the fold.

Useful tip: Some of the high-performing niche ad networks do not have an abundance of intrusive ads.

If you are looking for optimised solutions that can reduce the bounce rate on your website, feel free to contact us here.

Tiffany Palmer

Tiffany brings creativity, adapts quickly to new tools, and leads atomic design principles to enhance UI/UX efficiency.

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