Pre-release your iOS app for loyal testers

Conduct iOS App Test with Inbuilt Testflight Tool

21 Aug 2015


Khusbu Basnet

iOS is possibly the most engaging marketplace for app innovators. Apple has an inbuilt testflight tool that allows us to share our apps with the known communities before it gets released to the public. We find this process to be really helpful, especially during focus group testing.

Apple testflight allows us to invite up to 1000 users external testers. The app must pass Beta App Review before you can invite your external testers to test it. The build will be available to them for 30 days after the invitations are sent.

The external testers will receive an email directing them to use the TestFlight app on their iOS devices to accept the invitation. TestFlight can be downloaded from the invitation email or the App Store. To continue testing after the 30-day period expires, we have to upload another build. Note: We must include all email addresses of people who we wish to share the app before app submission.

Khusbu Basnet

Khusbu ensures top-quality project delivery while fostering growth. Her dedication to excellence drives her to be a best-in-class Project Manager.

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