How to Launch Your Website

How to Launch Your Website

10 Mar 2018


Renji Yonjan

Ready – there are very important optimisation measures and considerations you should make during this phase. Set you must also ensure that you are directing energy towards the right marketing efforts to drive traffic. Lift Off – then the only thing left to do is launch!

What does search engine optimisation (SEO) mean?

One of the primary ways your target audience will find your website is through search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Search Engine Optimisation agencies specialise in getting your site to rank at the top of these results for words searched in your industry (keywords).

It is however important that your web developer prepares your website in a particular way to hand it over to your SEO service provider. Below you can find a SEO checklist of the measures your website developer should take for your website.

 Engine Optimisation (Seo)
Engine Optimisation (Seo)

Why is speed optimisation important?

One of the main reasons why websites fail to convert visitors to customers is because their site is far too slow and they lose patience. In fact, countless studies have found that your website only has a very short period of time to keep your users engaged.

Speed Optimisation
Speed Optimisation

Thus, you can imagine that you and your developers will have to take the necessary measures to ensure that your site load time does not deter users from engaging with your website.

For example, one of the most important speed optimisations you can do is ensure images are uploaded at the correct size. Images that are too large cause slow page load speeds.

Get visitors to your website

One of the primary ways your target audience will find your website is through search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Search engine optimisation agencies specialise in getting your site to rank at the top of these results for words searched in your industry (keywords).

It is however important that your web developer prepares your website in a particular way to hand it over to your SEO service provider. Below you can find a SEO checklist of the measures your website developer should include in your website.

Organic vs. paid traffic

You can classify the type of people who enter your site into two different categories, they will be considered either organic or paid. What’s the difference?

There are many ways you can achieve your business goals through various marketing strategies, including paid and organic traffic to your website.

Organic Traffic:

Users that come to your site after discovering you through means that weren’t paid for. Examples of organic traffic sources include:

  • Directly inputting the address into the browser
  • Search Engine Results
  • Social Media
  • Word-Of-Mouth

If you have paid some sum of money to get users to your site, it is considered paid traffic. Examples of paid traffic sources include

  • Banner Advertising
  • Paid Search
  • Remarketing


It’s vital to get started on the right foot, there’s no reason to limit your site now when you’ve come this far. Make sure to understand the dynamics of this phase and the resources available to take advantage of in launching your business. Make sure to follow through to the final phase after launching, learning to analyse your website’s data will make sure you stay a top competitor.


Renji is always striving for the best at any given moment, both in and outside of work. Her constantly inspires and motivates her teams so that they grow and improve both professionally and personally.

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