Protecting Your Idea

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Protecting Your Idea

Did you just come up with a genius idea for the perfect app? Before you start creating it, don’t forget about protecting your app idea.

App idea protection is just as important as any other business venture. If someone steals your idea, you could lose business and revenue.

So keep reading to learn how to avoid that.

How Will My Business Idea Be Protected?

When you partner with an app developer, you may take on the risk of them stealing your app idea. Luckily, protecting your app idea doesn’t have to be complicated.

The intellectual property (IP) law in Australia helps protect you and gives you a competitive advantage with your initial idea. Australia also works with other countries to protect your business idea.

You can go as far as to get a patent, trademark, or copyright. That way, you will have full protection in case someone tries to steal your idea.

But even if you don’t pursue documentation, it is your idea. Always make sure you have in writing that your developer can’t steal your app idea.

Who Owns the IP of the Product?

As long as you create the app concept, you will own that. The idea came from your mind, so it belongs to you.

While your app developer is the one writing the code and building the app, it’s not their idea. If you’re concerned about ownership, you can talk to your developer before you start the project.

Ensure that they understand they won’t steal your idea or share it with others. That way, you can better protect your app idea.

Of course, you can follow app design trends. But the app you create will be uniquely yours, and you can take legal action to protect it.

How Will I Be Protected?

You have a few methods to use to protect your app idea. The first option is to have a contract for you and your developer to sign. You can use the contract to outline what each party can and can’t do.

It can also help to only discuss your app with your developer in person or through a secure connection. If you send an email that isn’t secure, a hacker could get into it and take the idea.

Always use some sort of encryption to mask your data. You and your developer should use secure WiFi networks and avoid public networks when possible.

If you want to transfer design files, you can use a secure cloud storage service. That way, you don’t have to worry about someone hacking into your emails.

Will the Vendor Provide Me a Source Code?

If you’re saying, “I need to protect my app idea after it goes live,” you can ask your developer for the source code. The source code is the technical part of the app that your developer used to build out the software.

A good app developer should have no problem giving you the source code. While they wrote it, the app is yours, and you paid for the development service.

You can also include a clause on the source code in your contract. Ask your developer to give you the source code when they finish the app.

That way, you can control it, and you can work with another developer if the first one does try to steal your app idea.

What if I Don’t Want to Further Develop the Software in the Middle of the Development?

Sometimes, you may decide that you no longer want the app development service. Perhaps your developer is trying to steal the idea. Or maybe you simply don’t like working with them.

If you can, include a section on this in your contract. Determine what will happen if you or the developer ends the relationship before the app is ready.

You should still be able to get the source code. That way, you can work with a different developer to finish the project.

Who Will Be the Product Owner/Decision Maker?

As the client paying for an app developer, you are the product owner. You can make the decisions regarding what the app will do and what it will look like.

It’s your idea and can have your design. But you should also work with a developer to make sure the app functions correctly. While you are the owner, they’re the development expert and should know what to do when something is wrong.

The developer’s job is to create the app so that it meets your requirements. As long as your contract doesn’t state otherwise, you will be the product owner.

You can decide what to call the app, what colours and designs to use, and when to release it. If you have any concerns, make sure you discuss that with your developer and get their approval in writing.

Get an NDA

Along with a contract, you should get an NDA for your developer to sign. An NDA is a non-disclosure agreement, and it keeps your relationship and project confidential.

It can help you protect your app idea through the development process. If your developer breaches the NDA, you can take legal action against them.

You can have a non-mutual agreement, where the developer signs it but not you. Or you can have a mutual NDA, so you can promise to protect their processes.

Complete Ownership for the Client

Before you start working with a developer, make sure they offer complete ownership for their clients. If they want to retain any ownership, you can walk away before starting.

That way, protecting your app idea will be easy. But to make that the case, don’t discuss any app details until you have a contract or NDA from the developer.

If someone refuses to sign those documents, you won’t have to worry about how to protect your app idea later.

Protecting Your App Idea

Like with any business, protecting your app idea can make a massive difference. If you work with a greedy developer, they could steal your idea and use it themselves.

No matter what you do, always get a contract or NDA before you discuss the information. That way, you can protect your app idea.

Are you ready to discuss your app with a developer? Book your consultation today.

Joseph Bridge

Joseph Bridge, Business Development Manager at EB Pearls, excels in driving growth and forging strategic partnerships in the tech sector.

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