Empowering Children & Families Through Technology

Discover how EB Pearls and the NSW Department of Communities and Justice collaborated to build a mobile application that fosters trust and empowerment as families navigate the complexities of the child protection system.

Technology Used

Flutter App Development Flutter
Nodejs NodeJS
Reactjs Development ReactJS
Mongodb MongoDB
Flutter Bloc Flutter Bloc
Dart Programming Language Dart
Graphql GraphQL
Amazon Lamda AWS lambda
Nextjs NextJS
Icon Sonarqube SonarQube

The Client

The NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) aimed to create the NSW Child Protection mobile application to provide crucial information to families navigating the NSW child protection system.


  • Clearly and transparently presenting complex information.
  • Ensuring accessibility for diverse audiences, including non-English speakers.
  • Providing offline access to essential information and app resources.
Eb Pearls

Our Solution

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Clear Information Delivery

We designed the app with a focus on clarity and simplicity. Key information was presented concisely, guiding families through each step of the child protection process.

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Multilingual Support

To enhance accessibility, the app’s content was translated into 6 different languages, making it a valuable resource for diverse communities.

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Offline Accessibility

By implementing offline access capabilities, families could access critical information even in areas with limited internet connectivity.

Our role in the project

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  • Brand Design
  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Web Design
  • Service Design
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  • iOS App Development
  • Android App Development
  • NodeJS App Development
  • ReactJS App Development
  • WordPress Web Development
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  • Ongoing Product Enhancement
  • Product strategy
  • User testing
Nsw Child Protection

The Result

The NSW Child Protection mobile development project aims to assist families involved in the child protection system. Its user-friendly interface and multilingual support have increased accessibility, allowing a broader range of families to benefit from its resources. The app’s transparent and informative approach has fostered a sense of trust and empowerment for families navigating the complexities of the child protection system.
Experience the competitive edge of custom software solutions and expert software development project management. Get in touch with us for a detailed project quote.

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What are the next steps?

  1. Our sales team reaches you within a few hours to organise a FREE consultation.
  2. Meanwhile, we sign an NDA to ensure the highest privacy level and protection of your idea.
  3. We will conduct a FREE consultation to understand your business requirements and will answer any questions you may have.
  4. Our expert strategist presents project estimates and approximate timelines.