Enhancing Learning Experiences for Children: Personhood 360

In this case study, we will delve into the transformative impact of Personhood 360 on children's education. As a comprehensive platform designed by EB Pearls for learning centers, Personhood 360 revolutionizes the way teachers plan activities, capture learning stories, and engage parents in their child's educational journey. By leveraging the power of technology and educational insights, Personhood 360 empowers teachers to create engaging and effective learning environments for children.

Technology used

NodeJS-logo NodeJS
ReactJs (1) ReactJS
layer1 MongoDB
graphql-1 GraphQL
Vector-7271-1 AWS lambda
Nextjs-logo-1 NextJS
sonarqube SonarQube

Understanding the Client:

Personhood 360 assists early education centers in monitoring learner wellbeing and crafting personalized learning programs.We worked closely with the Personhood 360 team to understand their goals and requirements. This involved comprehending the needs of learning centers, teachers, and parents, as well as aligning with government regulations and learning outcomes

Our Approach:

Through innovation consulting, research, and stakeholder workshops, we gained valuable insights into the project. We used these insights to develop a product strategy and create rapid prototypes that focused on enhancing the assessment process and providing user-friendly planning tools.

The Challenge:

The main challenge was to streamline the activity capture process and align it with the required learning outcomes. Teachers often struggled to incorporate these outcomes intentionally into their lessons. We needed to create a web app that facilitated seamless capturing of learning activities while ensuring teachers received immediate feedback to improve their curriculum

Responsive Design:

To maximize accessibility, we prioritized responsive design. The web app was optimized for various devices, including mobile screens and tablets. This ensured that teachers, parents, and other users could easily access and interact with the platform regardless of their preferred device.


Key Features:


Parental Tracking:

Parents had the ability to track their children's performance, progress, and engagement through their profiles, learning stories, newsletters, child's story, and daily diary.


Immediate Feedback:

Teachers received immediate feedback on how to enhance their curriculum based on the captured activities and learning outcomes.

Our role in the project

Personhood-360-1 loading=

The Outcome:

Our collaboration resulted in the successful development of the Personhood 360 web app. It enabled learning centers to capture activities aligned with learning outcomes effectively. Teachers benefited from immediate feedback to improve their curriculum, while parents gained insights into their child's learning journey. The web app's intuitive design and user-friendly features contributed to a positive learning experience for children.

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