Setting Up Your Legal Obligations for Mobile Apps

Setting Up Your Legal Obligations for Mobile Apps

11 Apr 2016


Nikesh Maharjan

Table of Contents

Considering the fact that app development is one of the easiest businesses to get up and running on a small budget, a lot of people tend to overlook the legal issues that come with it. Furthermore, there are plenty of developers who don’t know what to look for in their attempt to make their app a legal right.

And given the fact that mobile app marketing is the fastest-growing niche in the industry, it is no wonder that mobile app revenue is forecast to grow from $45,37 billion in 2015 to $76.52 billion in 2017.

As a mobile developer, business owner or young entrepreneur, the most important thing you need to understand is that mobile apps fall under both online laws and telecommunications laws, simply because apps are delivered on a mobile device and use the internet.

Here is an overview of the most relevant laws that affect your mobile app development:

  • Privacy
  • Spam
  • Intellectual property
  • Consumer/Fair Trading laws
  • Online codes of practice
  • Classification of games

Brainstorming phase

This includes checking other apps available, deciding if you want free or paid advertising, choosing your platform and looking for investors.

Legal issues to solve - The Confidentiality Agreement: At this phase, you need to use a Confidentiality Agreement each time you speak to an investor, an app developer or even a partner.

Designing phase

This refers to the steps that involve sketching an app mockup, describing the functionality of your app or writing a specification document) 

Legal issues to solve – Evidence of Copyright: You need evidence of copyright in order to brief your app developer and as a part of your App Developer Contract.

This includes steps such as finding potential app developers, hiring them and refining your beta app code. 

Legal issues to solve  App Developer Contract: Use the Contract to define and agree upon deliverables, costs and timeline, making sure you include a Confidentiality clause and that the Contract specifies your ownership of the app source code


Legal issues to solve – IP Protection: In this case, you need to trademark your app name and logo with IP Australia and get patent protection from IP Australia if you have a unique app in terms of functionality.

Releasing your app on the market

This phase includes launching your app in the App Store, on Google Play and on your own website 

Legal issues to solve – App Legals: Make sure you include a Privacy Policy if your app has access to personal data including a Disclaimer to prevent running the risk of having your app not working properly or being misused. Other legal issues you need to clarify are the Terms and Conditions used for paid apps.

Promoting your app

This phase refers to the process of creating promotional material, using social media to promote your product and the stages that involve app update and promotion) 

Legal issues to solve – Done!

Let us worry about the legal rights of your app and do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance regarding app development and promotion!

Nikesh Maharjan

Nikesh leads our technical revolution, ensuring efficiency and keeping us ahead with the latest technologies to meet client expectations.

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