The Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2021

The Best Programming Languages

21 Jun 2021


Binisha Sharma

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Are you a business owner looking to redo your website or create a mobile app? Even if you aren't a developer, you should learn one or two programming languages.

That way, you can understand the basics behind how your website or app works. And if you encounter small problems, you can fix them quickly and easily.

Keep reading to learn which coding languages to learn.


Node.js is a coding language that uses the JavaScript framework. It runs on an open-source server, meaning anyone can edit it to improve the language.

The language works on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. It uses asynchronous programming, so it runs separately from the main application thread.

You can use Node.js to create dynamic web pages, create and open files on a server, and collect form data. The language is also useful for adding and modifying data in a database.

It's a great option for building websites, and it's easy to learn if you've used JavaScript. That way, you can learn the basics and start coding quickly.


Another excellent language to learn is Python, which uses objects and dynamic semantics. Python uses data structures, dynamic typing, and dynamic binding.

The language is easy to learn, so it can be a great first programming language. Its syntax is easy to read, and the language allows for code reuse and program modularity.

Many people love using Python because it doesn't have a compilation step, and it doesn't take long to run an edit-test-debug cycle. Because of that, you can be more productive when using Python.

If you do have a bug, Python uses many layers to find it so that you can eliminate it. Those layers won't affect the code, and you can do a quick test before you get back to coding.


Go, or golang, is one of Google's favourite programming languages. If you want to get into systems programming, learning Go can help you become a developer in that space.

The language is similar to C and C++ coding languages, but it has an easier learning curve. Golang also doesn't use the same complex syntax as the other languages.

You can use Go to create machine-learning packages, web servers, and data pipelines. Go is open-source, so anyone can work on it and improve it.

While it's already a fast-running language, the open-source nature means the community can make it even faster. As you learn more about the language, you can contribute to improving it.


If you want to focus on developing apps for iOS and macOS, you should learn Swift. Apple created the programming language in 2014, and developers can use it for mobile and desktop apps.

By learning Swift, you can learn how to develop apps that work well on iPhones, iPads, and Macs. The language offers excellent performance, and it can help to use the language that is specific to the platform where you'll release your app.

Apple's App Store is a great place to release your app, and you can make a lot of money there. Using Swift can help you simplify your development and launch.

Unfortunately, it's not the best language to use if you also want to develop apps for Android. Still, learning Swift can be good practice for mobile app development.


Kotlin is one of the best free programming languages. It uses open-source software and is great for developing Android apps. This language uses objects and functional programming.

You can use it for its clarity, safety, and interoperability. And if you like Java but want an alternative, Kotlin is your best choice for developing apps.

With the language, you can make lists and filter them. The safety features help keep you from running into errors that can take a lot of time to fix.

If you already know Java well, you can learn Kotlin within a day. Then, you can start using it as one of your most popular programming languages.


Flutter is another excellent coding language for developing apps, and you can use it to create apps for Android and iOS. The language uses a software development kit and a framework.

It also involves using a language called Dart to program your app. Dart is great for front-end developers, and it works for both apps and websites.

Flutter is simple to use, and it has a much more modern interface compared to some coding languages. You don't need to use a ton of code to create a good mobile app.

And you only have to create one app instead of creating separate versions for Android and iOS devices. If you don't have much time to create or update an app, you'll love Flutter.


React is a JavaScript library that you can use to build and render user interface (UI) components. It's a great option for creating web pages and making them interactive.

The language uses text to create the engaging parts of a website. Engaging elements include animated graphics, scrollable maps, and content updates.

React JS is one type of JavaScript you can use, and it's an easy option. The language is flexible and can help with editing and rendering web pages.

Whether you've used other coding languages or not, learning JavaScript can be an excellent choice. Then, you can create more complex websites.


Another programming language to learn is Rust. It's great for low-level programming, and it's similar to C++ and C#. When you use Rust, you can focus on writing safe code, so it will only allow access to programs that need it.

That way, you won't have to worry about your system crashing or experiencing other issues. Instead, you can focus on writing the code you want.

Rust is a newer programming language, but it's gaining popularity. Many people who have used the language want to keep using it, so it will probably stay popular.

Now, the language can be hard to learn at first, but it can be worth it. Then, you can use it for developing apps and other programs.


Scala is similar to Java, but it has a few differences. Like Java, Scala uses an object-oriented structure, and it can run much faster than some programming languages.

It's a general-purpose language that works with functional programming and object-oriented programming. If you need a flexible option, this is a great choice.

You can use Scala to make your code resemble math. The language also lets you do concurrent programming, so you can do multiple complex procedures at once.

As you master Scala, it even allows you to create your own data types. Then, you can avoid having to deal with bugs and other issues with your code.


Elm is a relatively new programming language, but that doesn't mean you should ignore it. It's a functional language, so you can use it to create frontend designs, but it doesn't require the use of HTML and CSS.

The language works with JavaScript, which makes it useful for fast-executing user interfaces (UIs). Elm allows for no errors when you run the code.

If you want to focus on frontend web development, Elm is an excellent language to learn. Then, you can have more flexibility compared to if you only use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Once you learn JavaScript, learning Elm shouldn't be too difficult. While it will take time, you can get the basics down easily.

Other Options

Aside from the previous programming languages, you can use a couple of other tools when developing apps or websites. Consider a couple of these tools.


Docker is a great choice for container-based projects. Dotcloud developed it, and it's an open-source project that uses Go. Using Docker makes it easy to execute commands.

It's similar to Linux containers (LXC), but it was built on top of those containers. When you use Docker, running containers is simple and quick, which is a welcome change from before Docker existed.

The software is efficient and has an efficient workflow. You can start a Docker container in less than a second, so you don't have to waste time when working with it.


Kubernetes is similar to Docker in that it can automate Linux container operations. If you need to work with clusters of containers in Linux, Kubernetes can help you with the process.

The tool acts as a conductor for the various containers, so you can control them more easily. With Kubernetes, you don't have to work as hard to deploy or manage container applications.

If you work with Linux a lot, you should consider using Kubernetes or Docker. That way, you can make developing apps less stressful, so you can get more done.

How to Choose Which Programming Languages to Learn

Because there are so many programming languages out there, it can be hard to decide which to learn. Fortunately, you can consider a few factors to help choose where to start.

Then, you can learn coding languages that will help you the most. Here are a few things to think about, whether you're learning your first or fifth coding language.

What You'll Develop

If you know exactly what you will be developing, you can find a language that suits those needs. For example, Swift may be a good language for iOS apps, but not much else.

Python and JavaScript can help you create websites, and they can be useful for developing apps. So think about if you want to create one or the other or if you want to have the option of doing both.

Your Experience

You may want to think about your experience with programming languages. If you've already learned a language like Java, you may find it easier to learn Scala or a similar language.

As a beginner, you may prefer to learn a more basic programming language. Then, you can get practice learning and working with code before you move to something more complex.

If you learn technical things easily, you may be able to learn a more complex language first. But languages like Python and Java are good for any beginner.

Your Goals

You may also want to consider your goals and reasons for learning to code. Perhaps you want to get a better job as a developer or be able to correct small issues with your business website.

Or maybe you want to learn something new for fun without any financial gain. No matter your goals, keep them in mind when deciding on the best programming languages to learn.

Then, you can make sure you enjoy the process and can use the language once you learn the basics. And you can keep learning more languages in the future.

Time Commitment

You should consider how complex the language is and how long it will take you to learn. Compare that to the amount of time you have each week to learn and practice and when you want to master the basics.

As a beginner, you may need to spend more time practising coding, especially if you choose a complex language. However, you can find a language that suits your schedule and needs.

Classes vs. Self-Teaching

It can help to consider how you learn best, such as with a teacher or on your own. If you want to take a programming class, that can limit the languages available to you.

But if you can teach yourself, you can find tutorials, books, and other materials to help. You can learn on your own time, and you can focus on what you want.

Which Programming Languages Will You Learn?

With as many programming languages as there are, it can be hard to learn all of them. Fortunately, you can choose the right ones to learn to help you reach your goals and complete projects.

Whether you want to develop websites or mobile apps, there's a programming language for you. Consider your coding experience and interests so that you can narrow your selection.

Do you need help developing apps? Book a consultation to learn how we can help.

Binisha Sharma

Binisha leads customer management, fostering a talented design team. As a client advocate, she ensures needs are met, enhancing the overall experience.

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