What Is a Mobile Application and What Is It Used For?

What Is a Mobile Application and What Is It Used For?

05 Nov 2019


Tiffany Palmer

Table of Contents

About 52.2% of users searched the Internet using their mobile phones in 2018. That number is only expected to increase drastically in the near future.

Smartphones and their popularity open up an endless range of marketing opportunities at your fingertips. Mobile applications are a vital part of any marketing strategy because of their versatility and effectiveness.

Today's professionals need to know about the world of mobile apps. If you're still scratching your head, then you've come to the right place. Find out what a mobile application is and what it's used for here!

What Are Mobile Applications?

If you own a smartphone and are unsure of what a mobile application (app) is, you probably have apps on your phone and don't even realize it!

Mobile applications can be used for a variety of things. They are simply software that is downloaded onto your phone. Things like a GPS map, email account, or bank account can be accessed using a mobile application. 

You can download mobile applications to a smartphone or other mobile devices that are connected to the Internet. Depending on the operating system, you may be limited to certain apps. For example, Blackberry, Amazon, Android, Apple, and Microsoft operating systems may not support all of the same apps.

How Can I Download an App?

Downloading a mobile app is as easy as going to an app store on your mobile device. Each operating system has its own app store. You will most likely find access to the store on an app that is already on your phone.

You may need to create a login to access the store. Sometimes your credit card number is required. This is because not all mobile apps are free. Some have an upfront cost while others may require a monthly subscription. 

Luckily, many apps are free. However, free apps will often include frequent advertisements.

What Are Mobile Apps Used For?

For users, mobile apps are used for a variety of reasons. Each one provides its own value to the user. Some apps are used to access social media accounts while others are downloaded to get deals and notifications from their favourite stores.

Many people also use applications for gaming. The app remembers their information and saves their progress. So all you have to do is just click on the icon and you can pick up where you left off.

Apps make it easy to access these different websites and platforms from a mobile device. Some apps are able to find your location and provide information based on your area and what stores are near you. They don't require you to constantly log in or input your information, which makes them convenient to use.

How Can Apps Benefit You?

Most smartphone owners already understand the benefit of using mobile applications, which is why businesses are eager to create their own. A mobile application is a great addition to any business because it allows you to not only collect information from your customers but also send updates to them instantly.

Mobile applications use push notifications that pop up on the mobile device's screen. This way users don't necessarily have to be inside the app in order to get updates about new coupons or savings. 

Apps also allow businesses to collect valuable information about their demographics, such as their location, activity on the app, and email address and phone number. 

Plus, apps are used by a wide range of demographics, age groups, and diversities. So no matter what your business offers, you can find your customers online.

Create Your Own

There are endless amounts of uses that a mobile application can provide. Developers are coming up with new ideas every day! Essentially, mobile apps are here to add value and make our lives easier. 

If you have an idea for your own mobile app or are interested in creating one for your business, there's never been a better time! 

Let us support you in building the perfect app for your business! Check out our services to get started.

Tiffany Palmer

Tiffany brings creativity, adapts quickly to new tools, and leads atomic design principles to enhance UI/UX efficiency.

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