The Halo App: Empowering People, Changing Lives

Discover how EB Pearls and Halo’s innovative mobile app enables compassionate individuals to create a positive impact in the lives of those in need.

Technology Used

Flutter App Development Flutter
Nodejs NodeJS
Reactjs Development ReactJS
Mongodb MongoDB
Flutter Bloc Flutter Bloc
Dart Programming Language Dart
Graphql GraphQL
Amazon Lamda AWS lambda
Nextjs NextJS
Icon Sonarqube SonarQube

The Client

Halo is a compassionate online platform empowering individuals to make a difference through small acts of kindness. Their mobile app connects Halo Angels, offering a safe space to direct small amounts of financial aid to those in need. Functioning like crowdsourcing, the app ensures urgent assistance reaches vulnerable individuals, breaking the cycle of debt.


  • Ensuring secure and reliable financial transactions to protect donors and recipients.
  • Crafting a user-friendly interface for enhanced engagement and positive experiences.
  • Integrating social media communication tools while prioritizing data privacy.
Eb Pearls

Our Solution

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User-Friendly Interface

The app was designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring ease of use and navigation for Halo Angels and Charity Partners.

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Filtering & Discovery

The app provided Halo Angels with various ways to discover and select individuals in need, empowering them to make a difference through small but meaningful contributions.


Secure Transactions

The Halo App was equipped with robust security measures to ensure safe and secure transactions, instilling trust and confidence in users.

Our role in the project

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  • Brand Design
  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Web Design
  • Service Design
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  • iOS App Development
  • Android App Development
  • NodeJS App Development
  • ReactJS App Development
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The Result

The Halo mobile app has successfully transformed the way charitable donations are made. With its intuitive and engaging features, it has enabled Halo Angels to contribute directly to individuals in need, fostering a sense of purpose and making a tangible difference in their lives. The social media integration has effectively amplified user awareness, bringing more Halo Angels on board to support the cause.
Let’s turn your vision into reality. Contact us to get started on your software development project ideas.

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What are the next steps?

  1. Our sales team reaches you within a few hours to organise a FREE consultation.
  2. Meanwhile, we sign an NDA to ensure the highest privacy level and protection of your idea.
  3. We will conduct a FREE consultation to understand your business requirements and will answer any questions you may have.
  4. Our expert strategist presents project estimates and approximate timelines.