Nexus Audit App to Improve Pump Auditing

By harnessing the power of mobile apps, All Pumps in collaboration with EB Pearls aimed to streamline their installation and maintenance services, boost efficiency, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Technology Used

Flutter App Development Flutter
Nodejs NodeJS
Reactjs Development ReactJS
Mongodb MongoDB
Flutter Bloc Flutter Bloc
Dart Programming Language Dart
Graphql GraphQL
Amazon Lamda AWS lambda
Nextjs NextJS
Icon Sonarqube SonarQube

Understanding the Client:

All Pumps is a leading company in Australia that specializes in supplying custom pumps and providing related installation and maintenance services. They required a mobile application to complement their existing web application, allowing users to access inventory audit functionality conveniently on their mobile devices.

Our Approach:

EB Pearls collaborated closely with All Pumps to understand their requirements and business objectives. We conducted thorough research to gain insights into their target audience and their specific needs. This understanding guided us in crafting a tailored mobile app solution.

The Challenge

One of the main challenges was to create a mobile app that replicated the features of the web application seamlessly. It was essential to ensure real-time data synchronization between the two platforms, guaranteeing that users had consistent information regardless of their chosen device. Additionally, we aimed to optimize the user experience for mobile screens while maintaining the functionality and ease of use provided by the web application.

Responsive Design

To address the user experience challenge, we prioritized responsive design principles. Our team leveraged their expertise in UI/UX design to create a visually appealing and intuitive mobile app interface. We focused on optimizing the layout, navigation, and interactions to provide an enhanced experience for users accessing the service on smaller screens.

Nexus Mobile App

Our role in the project


The Outcome

The successful development and deployment of the All Pumps mobile app resulted in improved user experience and accessibility. Users could now access the inventory audit service conveniently on their mobile devices, enhancing their productivity and flexibility. The seamless integration with the web application ensured consistent data across platforms, eliminating any discrepancies. We continue to collaborate with All Pumps, providing ongoing support, maintenance, and future enhancements based on their evolving needs.

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What are the next steps?

  1. Our sales team reaches you within a few hours to organise a FREE consultation.
  2. Meanwhile, we sign an NDA to ensure the highest privacy level and protection of your idea.
  3. We will conduct a FREE consultation to understand your business requirements and will answer any questions you may have.
  4. Our expert strategist presents project estimates and approximate timelines.