How Long Does It Take To Develop an Apps?

How Long Does It Take To Develop an Apps?

16 Jan 2023


Gorakh Shrestha

Did you know that experts value app development at $2 billion in Australia? There are several benefits to having an app for a small business, including digital marketing for startups.

If you are looking to create your own digital business or app? Developing an app from the ground up can be a daunting task. We can help you decide whether web or mobile apps are best for your needs and provide insight into the options available for each platform.

With our expertise, you can quickly and easily develop an apps that meets all your needs without sacrificing quality. You won’t have to worry about making costly mistakes or wasting time on development cycles. We’ll guide you through every step of the process so that you get precisely what you want in no time.

Please get started by exploring our resources and learning more about developing an app from the ground up.

How Long Does It Take to Develop an App?

Developing an app is no small feat. It typically takes months of work, depending on the type and size of the app desired. During development, a lot of time and effort goes into

  • Planning
  • Designing
  • Coding
  • Testing

Depending on the complexity and scope of features you might like to include in your app, it could take anywhere from a few weeks to several years to create something that users will love. There are ways to speed up this process, such as using an existing framework or prototyping previously written components for similar apps.

In today’s digital world, developing an app has become much easier than it was before. With all these options available, there is no need to worry about how long it will take.

Simple App

Even developing a simple app is an intricate process. It involves:

  • Technical knowledge and expertise
  • Organizational skills
  • Design decisions

On average, it takes between two to four months of in-depth work to get a basic app up and running. However, this period may vary depending on the scope and complexity of the project and if additional features are added along the way.

There can be delays for various reasons, but with enough patience and experience, your simple app can be operational soon for its intended purpose.

A simple app will have features such as:

  • User registration
  • Data storage
  • Access control
  • Account management

Average App

Developing an average application requires a lot of effort and time due to the complexity of features that must be appropriately implemented. As a result, developing a well-polished and user-friendly average app can take anywhere from four to nine months, depending on the size and scope of the project.

During this period, developers need to do more than just code. They have to:

  • Go through design iterations
  • Develop custom solutions for complex problems
  • Plan for data security and scalability
  • Create user interfaces
  • Ensure that all parts of the app are working

It’s an intensive process that can be significantly sped up with proper planning and good project management.

An average complexity app will include features such as:

  • Payment processing
  • Integrated analytics
  • Custom UI design
  • User authentication
  • 3rd-party integrations

Developing these features requires technical knowledge and experience, so it’s best to hire a professional development team to take care of this process.

Complex App

Developing a complex app requires enormous effort from multiple teams working in tandem. Developing a complex app such as a digital business or company could take anywhere from nine months to even two years.

The app’s complexity will determine how long it takes to develop, but the main factor will always be project management and coordination between teams. Developing a complex app involves not only coding skills but also:

When developing a complex app, you’ll need features such as:

  • Real-time messaging and communication
  • High availability and scalability
  • Advanced data processing and analytics
  • Multiple user roles and accounts
  • Sophisticated security measures
  • Among many other requirements

Developing these features requires specialized expertise that a dedicated development team can only provide.

Web App Timeline

When the average person thinks of an app, they imagine the applications we use on our phones regularly. However, web apps should not be overlooked either.

A web app is an application hosted over the internet and accessed in a web browser. These applications allow users to perform tasks such as:

  • Shopping
  • Banking
  • Social networking

Users can access these from anywhere with a stable internet connection. Web apps have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and flexibility. They can often provide similar functionality to a desktop program without requiring installation on the user’s computer.

In addition, with online services becoming more widespread, web apps provide an excellent platform for companies to deliver their services to customers worldwide.

Some examples of web apps include:

  • E-commerce sites
  • Document editors
  • Event registration tools
  • Customer support portals

Developing a basic web app can take anywhere from one to three months, depending on the complexity of features and design.

You can choose several platforms for your project, so let’s look at the most common ones. We will include the pros and cons, the timeline, and notable features.

Using Node.js

Node.js is an open-source, JavaScript runtime environment. It allows developers to create fast and scalable network applications, utilizing JavaScript on the server side instead of the browser.

Node.js also provides capabilities for building real-time distributed systems, making it perfect for developing resource-intensive features such as streaming media or gaming. It powers various web technologies, from the backend of many web applications to creating APIs that mobile applications and IoT devices can consume.

Node.js offers countless opportunities for developers who want to further their knowledge in JavaScript and explore exciting new technologies like GraphQL and Websockets. Together, these make Node.js a powerful platform for building consistent and high-performing applications for web experiences across all platforms.

Node.js is an increasingly popular tool for web development, as its efficient code execution and dynamic capabilities often reduce the time needed to build custom apps. However, the exact time it takes to create a Node.js app depends on its complexity.

If you’re creating a straightforward, static web app with Node’s built-in modules, you can put together something in just a few hours or days. On the other hand, if you’re developing something more complex with data processing and user input, it could take up to several months.

Regardless of complexity, opting to use Node.js affords developers both speed and efficiency. These two advantages are always welcome when building any web application or service.

Using React.js

React.js is a popular JavaScript library for creating interactive user interfaces (UIs). It uses a component-based architecture and virtual DOM to reduce the amount of code written, resulting in faster development and testing cycles.

Additionally, changes made within React.js can be applied quickly since the library follows a ‘one-way data flow’ model, meaning there are no complex dependencies between components.

Due to its flexibility and scalability, React.js has become one of the most widely used web frameworks today. It’s used by leading companies such as:

  • Airbnb
  • Uber
  • Dropbox

Developing an app with React.js can take a variable time, depending on the project’s complexity. Generally, a basic application with React.js could be built anywhere from 3 to 12 weeks, while more complex projects may require several months or more work.

It also depends largely on experience levels and the availability of developers. Those new to coding will often require longer build times than experienced coders who have worked with React.js before or have other web development experience.

Using LAMP

The LAMP stack combines Linux, the Apache web server, the MySQL relational database management system, and the PHP programming language as one of the most popular software stacks for website hosting. This carefully crafted set of tools provides an efficient way to develop and deploy web-based applications.

The multiple components work together so developers can focus on delivering value rather than reinventing the wheel to spin different parts of an application. Thanks to its open-source nature, LAMP has found continued use in developing websites for both large enterprises and small startups.

Developing an app using the LAMP system can be lengthy if all the pieces are developed from scratch. The time it takes to complete the process depends on several factors, such as how complex the design is and how much prior knowledge you have in web development.

However, typically it takes anywhere from two days for simpler applications to several weeks or even months for more complex projects. Once all components of an app are coded and tested, basic troubleshooting can happen before deployment to ensure the application runs smoothly.

In addition, the entire development process becomes smoother if you break down tasks into smaller chunks that are easier to manage and track progress. Developing an app using LAMP requires patience and attention to detail, but with proper planning, you will eventually reap the rewards of a fully functioning web application.

Using WordPress

Utilizing WordPress to develop an app is an excellent option due to its:

  • User-friendly platform
  • Flexibility with plugins and themes
  • Range of integrations

A successful app can be built in a surprisingly short timeframe when leveraging WordPress’s out-of-the-box functionality. Depending on the complexity, most acceptably designed projects can be up and running within weeks.

Once procedures are complete such as:

  • Setting up hosting
  • Launching an install profile
  • Configuring custom post types

You’ll have a fully functioning app powered by WordPress that you can edit however you’d like.

Mobile App Timeline

When it comes to mobile development, the timeline is slightly different. Developing a native app requires separate builds for iOS and Android devices since their interface designs and coding languages differ significantly.

Let’s take a look at the different platforms and their respective timeline.

Native for IOS

Depending on the app’s complexity, it can take anywhere from 14 hours to 40 minutes up to several months to develop. The first step is downloading Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE). This provides developers with all the tools needed for creating native iOS apps.

After that, developers will need to learn the basics of:

  • Xcode
  • SwiftUI
  • UIKit

Native for Andriod

To build an Android application, developers need to download and install Android Studio, which is Google’s integrated development environment (IDE).

After that, developers need to learn the basics of Java or Kotlin programming languages and how to use Android Studio’s graphical user interface (GUI) tools. Once the coding is complete, developers must test and debug their apps before submitting them to Google Play for review and approval.


Using a hybrid approach to develop an app can help reduce time-to-market. Developing a hybrid app allows developers to create one version of the application that works on both iOS and Android devices, thus cutting down on development time.

The timeline for creating a hybrid app is similar to native apps, with some additional steps, such as setting up a development environment with frameworks such as React Native or Flutter.

React Native

Developing an app with React Native is an excellent choice for developers looking to create an app that can be used on iOS and Android devices. The timeline for developing such an app depends on the complexity of the features but typically takes anywhere from one to three months.

When developing a React Native app, there are several considerations to keep in mind.

Ensuring that the code is optimized for both platforms as much as possible is essential. Your team should also consider the user experience when designing the UI/UX of the app, as well as any potential security issues that might arise. Finally, testing should be done regularly throughout development to ensure all features work correctly before release.


Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google that can be used to develop cross-platform applications for:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Linux
  • macOS

When using Flutter to develop an app, it’s important to remember that the timeline may vary depending on the project’s complexity. Additionally, developers should consider budgeting for maintenance costs since there are regular updates to Flutter that need to be taken into account.

Nevertheless, with its powerful features and capabilities, Flutter provides an excellent platform for developing apps quickly and efficiently.

Comparing Your Options: What Are the Pros and Cons

When deciding which development method to use for creating an app, it is vital to keep in mind the pros and cons of each.

Developing a native app offers complete control over the features and design of the application but also requires more time and effort from the developer. Developing a hybrid app allows faster time-to-market but requires additional setup steps and may sacrifice some features.

Developing an app with React Native offers a great compromise between the two methods by providing an efficient way to develop cross-platform apps that still offer great user experience.

By carefully considering all aspects of app development, developers can ensure that their digital company can create an amazing user experience while keeping a competitive edge in the market.

What Can Affect the Timeline?

  • The complexity of features and functionality
  • The number of platforms to be supported
  • Security issues

Additionally, unexpected delays in deployment due to feedback loops with clients or changes in requirements can cause delays.

Let’s take a look at some actionable tips to counteract each factor.

The complexity of Features and Functionality

When developing an app, it’s important to focus on the most essential features first. Developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) can help get your product out in the market quickly while reserving time for additional features or improvements later.

Number of Platforms Supported

If you aim to support multiple platforms, it is important to remember that developing an app for multiple platforms can take more time than developing a single platform. Developing two native apps or two hybrid apps may be faster than developing a single React Native or Flutter app.

Additional Features and Tasks

To ensure that your project is completed on time, it is important to plan ahead and ensure that the project timeline considers additional features or tasks that may arise. Developing a comprehensive roadmap can help ensure that all tasks are completed on time.

Security Issues

Another factor to consider when developing an app is the potential for security issues. Developing secure apps requires attention to detail, and testing should be conducted regularly to ensure that the app is secure.

Developing an App: A Guide

Finally, we will take a look at some best practices when developing an app at each stage. Each stage will have the optimal practices for planning, designing, developing, testing, and deploying the app.

Let’s take a look.


Planning is the key to success when developing any app, and there are certain considerations to keep in mind. You must:

  • Decide who the target audience is
  • Research competitors’ apps to determine what other features may be useful
  • Create a bare-bones plan of functionality and appearance

Additionally, allocating a budget and timeline for the entire development process is wise so you have benchmarks and time frames to work towards. Taking these important considerations during the planning stage ensures that you have set yourself up for success when it comes time to write code or create graphics and designs.


When it comes to designing your app, turning an idea into reality requires an understanding of the project scope and clear specifications. Before diving into design, consider what type of interface works best for achieving the desired user experience.

A clean, modern-looking interface can often set aside a good app from a great one. User testing from various backgrounds will also go a long way toward ensuring that all elements of your product are accessible to everyone.

Finally, using automated tools can guarantee integrations run smoothly, resulting in prominent placement on app stores.


Developing an app is not a simple process, but with proper guidance and the right framework, it can be made much easier. The developing stage requires differentiating what type of app your business needs, such as:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Web

It also requires mastering the development language most appropriate for your project. Think about database management and the front-end user design of your app.

Additionally, during this stage, you should automate any workflow processes so budgets and timelines can be accurately established.

If done correctly, the developing phase provides a solid foundation for every other phase in creating your app.


After you have developed your app and are satisfied with the end product, the next step is to test it thoroughly. It’s important to spend as much time as needed ironing out any bugs or problems before putting the app on the market. You can do this yourself, but it’s critical that your app be tested by technically and non-technically savvy people.

This will help you identify potential usability issues that may affect some users over others. Once this is done, you can then proceed with releasing your final product on whatever store or marketplace platform you choose.

Create an App for Your Small Business Today

Developing an app may seem daunting, but with the proper guidance and resources, it can be easier than you think.

Are you looking to develop an app? If all this sounds overwhelming to you or if you need help enacting these principles, then contact EB Pearls today! Our team of experts is ready and waiting to partner with you, so start building something amazing now!


Gorakh is one of our best and continues to achieve excellence. His strong leadership and communication skills are second to none when it comes to developing the best websites possible. Gorakh is always ready to take on new challenges and gain more experience for himself and his team to grow to the next level.

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Giuseppe Saffioti

— Founder at Intro Dating